Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bible Verse About Prophecy on Ending the War - How and When to be fulfilled?

This was already prophecised on the Bible verse written at the book of Isaiah chapter 2 verse 4, saying that our Lord will judge among the nations and His going to rebuke men according to what they have done. And now maybe you are wondering how and when it will happen.

In the present time, man are preparing on war and some of them are really focus on studying how to win in the battlefield, this are only signs that prophecy are near to fulfill. At the book of Matthew chapter 24 verse 7, our Lord said, before the end of the world, nation are going to rise against nation and they both end only on destructions (because no one are winners when it came to war). The meek will remain and they will inherit the earth according to Bible verses in the Book of Matthew chapter 5 verse 5 (they are the winners).

After the war, God will command the people to stop studying about war, like military trainings and He will also tell them to convert deadly weapons into industrial and agricultural materials.

These events are not so long to happen because we can almost see the sign of prophecy in these days, such as rumours of wars, pestilence, earthquakes, flood and many calamities happening on different places of the world. All of these things must happen before the prophecy of ending war fulfilled. The question now is, are you ready if these prophecies happened?

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